Business Profile: Saltillo Tile Trademarks Registered with the United States of America Patent Office. Indisputable, the Official Saltillo Tile, 100% Clays from Saltillo, Mexico. Trademark number 4556717 Saltillo Artesanal. Trademark number 85945798 Saltillo Castizo. Trademark number 85867940 Handmade in Saltillo, Mexico - The Only Source of Clay to Produce the Authentic Saltillo Tile in the World. Trademark number 85770646 Genuine Saltillo Tile (100% Pure Clay). Trademark number 4657847
We invite you to join us for a relaxed painting class. Wine & Design Classes are open to the public ages 14 and up. Please view the calendar for up coming classes. All supplies include, canvas, paints, brushes, apron, instruction and a friendly bring the beverage of your choice... we furnish coffee and water Beginners Intermediate Advanced all levels of talent welcome! Artists...Thank you for visiting our Internet site. As an up-to-date business, we want to give you the oppor