Phone book

Phone book

The telephone directory contains addresses and phone numbers of residents and companies of all cities. For ease of searching, all phones are grouped by addresses and surnames of residents. Our telephone directory provides phone numbers and addresses for more than 28,000 cities. Here you can find a phone by address, last name or company name. Searching for a phone number, address or last name of a subscriber is possible in any way. Now you can search for a phone in any of the cities of our telephone database. If you want to find a person, then you need to know his city of residence.

Phone search

To find a phone in the directory, enter the text (or part of it). For a more precise search, enter multiple words separated by commas. Specify what you want to find and click the 'Search' button. By default, 'Find phone' is selected, and the search will be conducted only by phone number. But you can search for an email address, website, company name, text in a business description, or an address in a directory. To do this, switch the search button to the desired one. To search for an address, enter the street and/or house in the separate fields.

Telephone directory of enterprises

Directory of phone numbers of enterprises contains up-to-date information about the enterprises of cities. All information is added by the users themselves and is kept up to date. The date of updating can be seen on the cards of enterprises. There you can also find detailed information about the activities of the company, and other additional information.

Phone base

The base of phones on the site is constantly updated. But since information is added by users of the site, this does not happen very quickly. All data is checked by moderators, after which they become available to other users. Registered users can independently control and edit their information. In addition, they have the opportunity to place private ads that are published on the pages of cities.

Company Directory. What is this?

The directory contains contacts of companies and business firms in every US city. You can use the form at the top of the page to search for a phone number or address. This is a global company search across all states. For a more specific search for business information, you can use the catalog. All companies in the directory are sorted by states, cities and categories. Follow the links and you will find any business.

List of states and number of companies in the directory

Add to the Directory

Everyone can add information about their business to the Company Directory. It's free. Find your city and click on the "Add a new company to the directory" link. Fill out the form and send it to the moderator for verification. After verification, your contacts and a description of your business will become available to other users. Fill in the data accurately, without errors, monitor the accuracy of the information. If the moderator considers the information about the company to be incorrect, it will be deleted. By submitting your data for moderation, you consent to the storage, processing and publication of this data. You can independently edit and delete your information in your personal account. After adding a company to the directory, or registering on the site, you will receive an email with a confirmation link. After confirming receipt of the letter, you will be able to use your personal account.

You can add your contact information to the directory yourself. Then more Internet users will be able to find you, learn about your business, and you will get more customers. To add information about your business to the directory, click on the button below this text and follow the instructions. Fields to fill out will be added as the form is completed. You can also upload your company logo or a photo that would describe your business and description of your activities. This way you will be better known. After verifying the information and confirming your identity by email, you will be given access to your personal account, where you can add, delete or change your information yourself. In your personal account, you can add your contacts to several sections at once, to facilitate the search, specify several phone numbers and addresses, or update the date of relevance of your information without creating new ads. The date of relevance is displayed on company cards. So users can see that the contacts are not outdated.